
Saturday, October 22, 2011


I dropped C ++ because the course format wasn't working for me and I just wasn't getting it.  So now I'm down to Business Ethics and Finance.  Finance is a very easy class and I am getting the material, much better than the last time.  I can now comfortably complete homework without an issue.  However, there were some developments with the separation this week, and was pretty out of it, so I went out with a friend instead of working on Business Ethics yesterday.  I felt bad about it.  However, I really needed to decompress.

Work is going well.  I returned from leave after having bursitis for 2 weeks and I basically got a promotion.  It looks like I will be hired by the company (I am currently a contract employee) and will probably get a raise.

Other than recent events, life is good.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Easy Term & Change Continues

The first two weeks of the term are completed and they are going well.  I've had to drop back to 11 credits, but I picked some pretty easy classes (for me), because I can't handle the stress.

This term I am taking:

C++ Programming
Business Ethics

So only three classes, and I can probably do those in my sleep, so even though I'm working I might have a little more free time.  This came in handy recently, when I developed bursitis in my hip and was laid up for two weeks.  I received a Cortisone shot this past Monday and went back to work on Friday.

My return to work was just what I needed.  I was told all day how much I was missed.  I even got a bit of a promotion and will, likely, receive a permanent position and raise in short order.  I felt so great afterwards, I don't think I've come down yet. 

Another thing that has happened is that the friend that I had staying with me, and was helping out around here, had to move out of town, so I am now handling stuff on my own.  This has been good in one respect.  I am no longer the horrible housekeeper mentioned in a previous post.  I think I have things organized enough to keep them that way.  The boys' room is the only disaster area, but I can close the door on that.

So it seems the negative changes that have occurred recently have actually had positive consequences.  Who would've thought??